dinsdag 6 januari 2009


Ok, we have a competition for the new album.


The theme for this song is the KHMER ROUGE.
More info on the subject can be found here on wikipedia.
The lyrics will be used as a base for a new track on the album.

Price: name on the album and 3 free copies of the CD for you
and your friends.

spread the word for this competition.


Today we are giving you a sneak view into our studio.
This studio was build in December 2007 when I (peter)
moved to a new place.
It is build in the attic.
It's a mess, like every good studio ofcourse.
The studio equiptment is partial sponsorred by M-AUDIO

maandag 5 januari 2009


There is a special treat to get a feeling how the new album is going to sound.
All you have to do is surf to A CHALLENGE OF HONOUR ON MYSPACE and check
out the track 'ANGKOR' which is the first completed track of the album.
We uploaded a instrumental version, the vocals still to be added.

There will also be a special competition soon.
Write the lyrics to one of the new songs, more about that soon.

zondag 4 januari 2009

The beginning

We started a blog to keep you updated on the progress of our new album
entitled 'KAMPUCHEA' which will be released in the middle of 2009.